№ уроку





Фізична культура


Тема №81Баскетбол.

Ведення та передача м’яча в русі зі зміною напрямку.


Самостійне вивчення передач м’яча.

Інтернет- ресурси https://youtu.be/wwrXq6Mu1fk


Фізична культура


Тема №82Баскетбол.

Виконання кидків у корзину з лівого та правого боку щита.


Самостійно відпрацювати  кидки м’яча з різної відстані.

Інтернет- ресурси https://youtu.be/40Va0FtD4EI




 Тема 4. . Мультимедійні та гіпертекстові документи

Урок 25 Системи керування вмістом для веб-ресурсів..


опрацювати матеріал підручника ст. 114-122

відповісти письмово на запитання стю 121




Тема 4. . Мультимедійні та гіпертекстові документи

Урок 26 Створення та адміністрування сайту https://pidruchnyk.com.ua/434-nformatika-rven-standartu-rivknd-lisenko-chernkova-shakotko-10-klas.html

опрацювати матеріал підручника ст. 122-131

відповісти письмово на запитання стю 131


Іноземна мова за проф. спрямув.


 Тема уроку №28 Атомні електростанції


1.опрацювати матеріал за посиленням - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UwexvaCMWA

2.скласти кратно конспект


Іноземна мова за проф. спрямув.


Тема уроку № 29 Електрика та електроніка


1.читать, перекладать текст

 It is very difficult to separate the meaning of the two words - "electricity" and "electronics". The field of electricity is usually thought of as electricity that is used in magnets, generators, motors, lights and heaters.

The field of electronics is usually thought of as electricity that is used in radio, television, and other equipment where electron tubes and transistors are needed. Basically electronics is not so much a new subject as a new way of looking at electricity. All electrical effects are really electronic because all electric currents result from the movements of electrons, and all electric charges are due to the accumulation of electrons.

Electronics is the science or practice of using electricity in devices similar to radio tubes so as to get results not possible with ordinary electrical equipment.

Although electronics has received greater attention in recent years, we have been using electronic equipment for half of a century. Radio, television, sound pictures, fluorescent lighting and long-distance telephone calls owe their existence to electronics. As most of these familiar equipments serve to carry or give information one may say that communication has been the major purpose of electronics. Electronics is closely connected with a series of discoveries and inventions which have revolutionized the life of man in this twentieth century. In 1883 Thomas A. Edison discovered current conduction through gas in an incandescent lamp. This phenomenon known as the Edison effect, marked the birth of electronic science. The Edison effect was followed by the discoveries of electromagnetic waves, X-rays, wireless communication and at last by the invention of two-electrode detector or the “valve”. These basic discoveries and a lot of others have produced what is known as electronics.Nothing can be done in modern research laboratory without the aid of electricity and electronics. Nearly all of the measuring devices used in industry and research are electrically operated. Electronics has found broad application in industry as a means of automation, control and inspection, and as a direct means of fulfilling such operations as melting, cutting of super hard materials and welding

2.вивчити ЛО теми

3.Answer the questions to the text:

1. What is the difference between the meaning of ―electricity‖ and ―electronics‖?

2. Which one is a newer subject?

3. What kind of science is electronics?

4. How long have we been using electronic equipment?

5. What has been the major purpose of electronics?

6. What phenomenon did Edison discover in 1883?

7. What was the Edison effect followed by?

8. Can anything be done in modern research laboratory without the aid of electricity and electronics?

9. How do people use electronics in industry?

10. Do you use electronics in everyday life? If yes,where?


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