№ уроку |
Предмет |
Викладач |
Завдання |
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Інформатика |
Гринько |
Тема 3. Системи керування базами даних Урок 18 Реляційні бази даних, їхні об’єкти. Ключі й зовнішні ключі. опрацювати матеріал підручника ст. 82-86 відповісти на контрольні питання ст. 87 |
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Інформатика |
Гринько |
Тема 3. Системи керування базами даних Урок 19 Створення та відкриття бази даних. опрацювати матеріал підручника ст. 90-95 відповісти письмово на запитання ст. 94 |
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Хімія |
Нестерчук |
Тема уроку № 21. Узагальнення і систематизація вивченого матеріалу. Завдання: Підготувати повідомлення за темами: 1.Необоротні і оборотні хімічні процеси. 2.Хімічна рівновага. 3.Принцип Ле Шательє. 4.Гідроліз солей. 5.Поняття про гальванічний елемент як хімічне джерело електричного струму. |
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Хімія |
Нестерчук |
Тема уроку № 22: Самостійна робота з теми: «Хімічні реакції». Завдання: 1. Перейти за посиланням на сайт та виконати запропоновану роботу https://vseosvita.ua/library/samostijna-robota-z-temi-himicni-reakcii-11-klas-za-novou-programou-232895.html |
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Іноз.мова за проф. спрямуванням |
Королькова |
Тема уроку № 24 Все про ваш телевізор Завдання 1.прочитать інформацію, вивчити ЛО теми You have learned very many different things and it is rather difficult to remember everything. But there are things that you must remember and know well. First: The television camera focuses a person in the studio in just the same way as photo camera focuses you when your photo is taken. Just as the image is formed on the photographic plate so the image of a person in the studio is formed on the plate inside the iconoscope. Second: Each of the million tiny specks covered with cesium on the iconoscope gets a tiny speck of light from the image, and the image is therefore broken up into a million tiny dots. Some of the dots receive a lot of light, while others receive very little light and some have no light at all on them. It is like a printed photograph in any newspaper when you examine it through a magnifying glass. Third: With the help of the cathode - ray beam, 25 different "electric pictures" per second are sent over the air, each one a little different from the last. Then you have a moving picture of electric wave which comes into your television sets. Fourth: But the electric picture that is sent over the air is only one of many thousands. We know that to show a moving picture we must flash 25 slightly different pictures every second on the screen. Our eyes are not fast enough to see each picture but we see the result of the whole film. So 25 "electric pictures" must be sent over the air every second and it is a cathode - ray beam that helps us to do this. Fifth: The screen in your set is the top of a very large vacuum tube. It is covered with a chemical that glows when light strikes it. Inside the tube is a cathode - ray beam, the same as the cathode - ray beam in the TV studio. This beam moves in the TV studio. This beam moves in the same way as the beam in the studio does. It covers the screen in a twenty fifth of a second, and as it does so it becomes stronger or weaker: stronger when the current is strong, weaker when the current is weak. If a tiny speck of cesium in the iconoscope receives a bright light from the image of an actor, its current will be strong, and the beam in your set will immediately receive this strong current and will be bright itself. It will then make a tiny bright spot on your television screen in the same place as the spot from the image that was made on the screen in the iconoscope. In the next millionth of a second the ray will change and a new speck on your screen close to the first speck will remain dark. All this happens in a twenty - fifth of a second for each picture, and it works in the same way as the "magic paint brush". A film that goes on in the studio is reproduced on your television screens hundreds of miles away. 2.відповісти на питання Answer the questions: 1. How many rules must you remember? 2. What is the first one? 3. What is the second one? 4. What is the third one? 5. What is the fourth one? 6. What is the fifth one? 7. What is a cathode? 8. What happens in a 25th of a second? |
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Іноз.мова за проф. спрямуванням |
Королькова |
Тема уроку № 25 Як звук передається по дротах завдання 1.опрацювати матеріал за посиленням https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XaGXPObx2Gs 2.Give the expressions with the opposite meanings: Cannot do – _______________________________________ Enable to hear – ____________________________________ Great noise – ______________________________________ Finish talking – ____________________________________ Never loses – ______________________________________ A little different – __________________________________ On the surface – ____________________________________ The most important – ________________________________ Modern science – __________________________________ To turn on – ______________________________________ 3.Answer the questions: 1. What is sound? 2. What makes it possible to hear sound? 3. How quickly does a thing move? 4. What discovery did Edison make when he invented a phonograph? 5. How is it possible to send sound hundreds or thousands miles away? 6. What modern invention do the scientists consider the most important? 7. What is the electromagnet? 8. Does it matter how fast the current change? |
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